Manage your medication while traveling

Manage your medication while traveling

Is it possible to take medication on the plane? How can I get prescription medication overseas? These are just a few of the many tips that will be helpful.

Even though you live at home, managing your medication dosage can prove difficult. Even though travel and other time zones can disrupt your daily routine, this doesn’t mean you should stop traveling if your medication needs are met.

These tips will help you prepare for your trip.

Before you travel, make sure to consult your doctor

It is important to check with your doctor before you plan your trip. You doctor can help with:

  • Prescriptions: Check that your medication is legal in the destination country. Also, check if you need to have medical certificates.
  • Anything you might have regarding your health.

Tavel vaccines.

  • You can get advice on managing your medications in time-zones.
  • Documentation is required to allow you to take medicine on the plane.

Plan Your Dosage Schedule

You shouldn’t leave medication management up to chance. You can work with your doctor to create a dosage plan that ensures you take your medication exactly when it is needed, and also makes sure you don’t take too much or too little during your flight.

Here are some useful tips

  • You can choose the time zone that you want to align your dose schedule to and then stick to it.
  • Note down the times so you can plan your meals.
  • It can be difficult for you to obtain prescription medication overseas. So make sure that you bring enough medication to last your entire trip.
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Do you want to carry your medications in your hand luggage?

While it might seem simple, your prescription medication may be an afterthought when you pack your handbag.

Here are some useful tips

  • Place medication you need on your journey in an easily accessible place (not at your bottom)
  • Keep all medications in original, labelled packaging

In case security asks, make sure you have a copy your prescription and a letter describing your condition. This is particularly important for people who are travelling with syringes and other sharp objects.

You can also keep your medication nearby at all times to avoid any emergency if your checked luggage is lost or delayed.

Set Reminders

You may feel like time has stopped when you board that plane. Even with a carefully planned schedule and plan, it is easy to forget and fall asleep on the plane.

To Avoid Any Hiccups, Set Yourself Reminders:

  • Smart phones and digital watches are able to program multiple alarms for different time zones.
  • Get a smartphone app for scheduling medicine.
  • Ask your travel companion (if possible) to remind you.

How to get prescription medication abroad

Accessing prescription medication abroad can prove difficult and expensive. It is better to take the medication you already have. In case you need prescription medication, please:

  • Get online medical assistance from your travel insurance provider.
  • Get a receipt if you only purchase prescriptions from licensed pharmacies.
  • It is important that you keep the original packaging.
  • Talk to your pharmacist about the active ingredients contained in the prescription. They may be different from what you know.
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